Cherry Pink Moon – Victoria Stitch

“On the fateful night the diamond cracked there was a
terrible storm. Outside the Crystal Cave the sky was
dark and blotchy as though someone had splashed a
pot of violet ink all over it. Fat drops of rain sploshed
to the ground and a huge cherry pink moon hung
down over the wood, casting an eerie glow over the trees.” 

– Victoria Stitch: Bad and Glittering

Did you know that in Wiskling Wood the stars are multicoloured and the moon changes colour depending on the season? The moon colours are random but there are often lots more of particular colours at certain times of year! For example, October brings lots of orange pumpkin and green pistachio moons!

Victoria Stitch flying in front of a cherry pink moon
Victoria Stitch flying in front of a cherry pink moon

Victoria Stitch and Celestine were born under a cherry pink moon! Find out more about Victoria Stitch in my blog post about how I created her.