Questions from Italy about Isadora Moon

Is Pink Rabbit stuffed with sweets?

Last week, the Italian translator for Isadora Moon got in touch with me. Her name is Roberta Cattano and she runs a junior reading workshop called Noi Superlettori at a public library in Verona. She asked if I would mind answering some questions from her workshop children. I was very happy to and, as it’s been a while since my last video, I decided to film my answers.

In the video Henry reads out their questions to me, which I am hearing for the first time as he reads them. Enjoy! 

What would Isadora Moon like for Christmas?

Last month, OUP were kind enough to send me a box of Isadora Moon promotional posters and bookmarks. I thought I’d give away five of the posters for a Christmas mini-competition.

Isadora Moon posters

You can see the full details and enter on this Facebook post. For a chance to win one of the posters, I just want to hear your suggestion for:

what does Isadora Moon want for Christmas?

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Stuck for Christmas present ideas?

You could do worse than an Isadora Moon book! Here’s a handy link to the Amazon page.

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